Wednesday 20 March 2013

Healthy Eating Incursion

Today the Prep Neighbourhood had a visit from Lisa and Vicki from Eat For Life. Lisa begun by speaking to the Neighbourhood about the 5 food groups. The children were very engaged and showed fantastic listening skills.

The children were broken up into two groups and took part in two fun and educational mini workshops.
One workshop involved the children testing their taste buds. While blind folded the children tasted fruit and then guessed the fruit. The children were all eager to take part and proved to have fantastic taste buds.
In the other workshop the children discussed and placed popular snacks on a set of traffic lights. Green for snacks that can be eaten every day, orange for snacks that can be eaten a couple of times a week and red for snacks that can be eaten sometimes. There were some good discussions as the children demonstrated a good understanding about food. The incursion was finished with all the children enjoying a range of fruits.

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