Friday 8 March 2013

Parent Helpers

We are looking for Parent Helpers for a number areas in the coming weeks and next term.

Week 7
Wednesday & Thursday: A parent for each home room is required for the art table. We would like the parent to type up the children's stories. Please see your child's homegroup teacher if you can assist.

Gardening: The Prep Neighbourhood has a small plot that we are to develop. If you are interested in helping with the garden please speak to Sia, Jessica or Maddy.

Dance: We are looking for parents who would like to assist a small group with creating a dance during our morning learning agreement. Please speak with Maddy, Sia or Jessica.

Term 2
PMP (perceptual motor program): Once a week we will have PMP in the gym. The day and time is to be confirmed. Parents will be required to assist approx 10 children with a range on skills. E.g. throwing and catching, bouncing a ball etc. Instructions will be provided. A sign up roster will be put up in the prep courtyard in the coming weeks.

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