Thursday 7 March 2013

Healthy Eating Incursion

The Healthy Snack Attack incursion is a one hour inactive session that explains why our bodies need a variety of nutritious foods and what are the five food groups; an activity where children take turns to determine whether snacks are to eat everyday (green), most days (amber) or occasional (red) based on a traffic light system; and a blindfolded fruit tasting where children are supported to use their taste and smell senses. These activities aim to motivate your child to eat a variety of nutritious foods in order to grow and be healthy, to encourage trying new foods, and to reinforcehealthy eating as a fun part of life. Fruit platters will be provided for afternoon tea to conclude the session with a shared healthy snack.
Today the children will be bringing home a permission note for the above incursion. If you have paid the excursion levy all you need to do is sign and return the note to school. If you have not paid the excursion levy an invoice will be attached to the permission note. If your child is sensitive to any fruits please inform one the prep teachers.  

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