Thursday 28 March 2013

New addition to readers' notebook

A list of high frequency words has been put into the readers' notebooks. These words can be referred to when reading. Identify how many times they occur in the book and encourage children to find them.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Thank You Luisa!

The Prep Neighbourhood would like to say a big thank you to Luisa for all her hard work this term. Luisa has been teaching in the Prep Neighbourhood during our Learning Agreement time and has also been teaching the children singing on Tuesday afternoons. Luisa will be taking long service next term so we wish her a safe and happy holiday and look forward to seeing her again in term 3.

We constructed .... a castle and cannons

During Learning Agreement this morning a group of boys constructed a castle and cannons in the large block area. The boys worked together with assistance from Luisa and after completing their construction reflected about their learning by writing and drawing. Vincent, Zachary, Leo, Angus and Rico presented the construction to Prep J and demonstrated how the cannons worked in a safe way.

Rico did some writing to show what he was learning

Vincent and Leo speaking about their constructions

Zachary writing about his construction

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Todays the day the Preps had their Teddy Bears' Picnic

There was a buzz in the air this morning as the children brought in their Teddy Bears and other special friends for our Teddy Bears' Picnic. Parents and Grandparents started arriving during the lunch break and when the bell went for the end of lunch there was quite a crowd. The preps walked calmly and safely to the Railway Park. Once at the park, the feast began as all amazing treats were brought in. We had a fantastic range of healthy and 'sometimes' treats. The Teddy Bear inspired treats were very cute and delicious. The children enjoyed playing on the play equipment before the Neighbourhood performed the Teddy Bears' Picnic song to their adoring fans. A fantastic day was had by all. Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and friends who came along and assisted with the transportation of food, rugs and special friends.


Neighbourhood Story Books

The neighbourhood toys are going on some wonderful adventures every weekend! Well done to everyone who has had imput thus far. The books that have been created look fantasic! It is great to see so many photos.

Everyone will have a chance to take the toys home, so please your reassure your child if they have not had a turn yet that that it will happen during the year.

Here is a video of Itsara having a look through the Adventures of Simba with Prep M book. It was made with iMotion application.

iMotion animations

Some children in the Prep Neighbourhood have been exploring the iMotion application on the iPad. We created bunnies out of Play Dough then a group of children were shown how to use iMotion. The children placed the bunnies where they wanted them to start then estimated how many hops it would take them to get to the number card. A photo was taken with every hop and when they are all put together an animation is made. Preps have also made animations with Mobilo and the dinosaurs.

Friday 22 March 2013

The Prep Torus

The Prep torus is located outside of room 13 (Prep S homeroom). The neighbourhood meets here for large group discussions and the sharing of our learning. We have begun to display some of our learning in the torus, so please come and have a look.

Our Assembly Statements

Lego Land Project

Compass Point Workshop - Excited (E)

Prep J painted parts of our school

Designing a Garden

Annette (Louis’ mum) worked with a group of children in our prep neighbourhood to create the prep garden.  Children worked with plasticine to develop ideas on the types of vegetables they would like to plant in our neighbourhood garden.
The children came up with some very interesting ideas.

All children interested will get an opportunity to contribute ideas to the garden club.


Week 9 Happenings

Final week of term 1

Teddy Bears' Picnic. Family and friends of Prep are welcome. Please meet in the Prep courtyard at 12:10 to walk to the Railway Park
Time: 12:10 - 1:30
Where: Railway Park

Library: Please return books so you can borrow a new book for the holidays.

Last day of term, school finishes at 2:30.

Science - Term 1

Science provocations are set up during Learning Agreement throughout the neighbourhood

Making patterns using natural materials – collecting natural materials in the school ground (Science & Maths – patterns)

Observing nature – charcoal drawings of gum-nuts, feathers, insects, shells and rocks

Biological Science

Objects are made of materials that have observable properties

Learning Focus

Use senses to explore the world around them.

Sorting objects according to basic criteria such as size, shape, colour and weight

Identify and describe the similarities and differences.

Planting seeds – documenting growth of lima & cannellini beans and lentil seeds

Floating and Sinking – Exploring the properties of floating and sinking in the water-tray

Earth and Space Sciences

Daily and seasonal changes in our environment

Learning Focus

Use senses to explore the world around them

Describe the properties of objects

Planting seeds

Planting seeds – Documenting growth of seeds

Planting seeds – Observing

Making patterns using natural materials

Making patterns using natural materials – collecting natural materials in the school ground (Science & Maths – patterns) 

Observing nature

Floating and Sinking

Floating and Sinking – Exploring the properties of floating and sinking in the water-tray


Information Night Speeches

The speeches from the Information Night in February have been placed under the above tab Information Night Speeches. Please take the time to have read through the information.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Teddy Bear Workshops

The Preps have been getting into the spirit of the Teddy Bear Picnic. Last week the children had the opportunity to make Teddy Bear masks, construct a plate of food that they would like to eat at the picnic or create their own Teddy Bear inspired game. It was wonderful to see their creativity come out; a snakes and ladders alternative called Honey Pots and Trees. We are continuing to practice the Teddy Bear Picnic song.

Maths Workshops

The children have been participating in maths workshops. There are 12 different activities with a focus on a certain concept. Our focuses have been on counting, measuring, sorting, patterning and time. The teachers in the neighborhood take 4 learning experiences per session and the children explore a new experience each day. Each learning experience is introduced to them in a fishbowl style demonstration. Sometimes the children are working individually and other times collaboratively with other children. It has been wonderful to see how they have been working through the different concepts.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Healthy Snack Attack Parent Information

Healthy Snack -

Healthy Eating Incursion

Today the Prep Neighbourhood had a visit from Lisa and Vicki from Eat For Life. Lisa begun by speaking to the Neighbourhood about the 5 food groups. The children were very engaged and showed fantastic listening skills.

The children were broken up into two groups and took part in two fun and educational mini workshops.
One workshop involved the children testing their taste buds. While blind folded the children tasted fruit and then guessed the fruit. The children were all eager to take part and proved to have fantastic taste buds.
In the other workshop the children discussed and placed popular snacks on a set of traffic lights. Green for snacks that can be eaten every day, orange for snacks that can be eaten a couple of times a week and red for snacks that can be eaten sometimes. There were some good discussions as the children demonstrated a good understanding about food. The incursion was finished with all the children enjoying a range of fruits.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

One week until the Teddy Bears' Picnic

The children are getting very excited about the Teddy Bears' Picnic next Tuesday. The picnic will take place at the Railway Park on Park Street (less than a 5 minute walk from school). We will be leaving school straight after lunch (12:10 )and walking there as a neighbourhood. Parents who would like to join us are asked to meet us at school to assist with carrying all the bits and bobs we require.

On Monday the neighbourhood made a list of possible games we could play and what we need to bring. Below is the list the children constructed about what we need to bring.

Dress ups, decorations and masks are fun options, but please do not go out and buy something special.
Water bottles, hats, sunscreen, Teddy Bear or other special friend are a must.
If you have a picnic rug or a picnic basket it would be much appreciated if you could bring it along.
Children are welcome to bring a small plate of food to share.
We look forward to seeing family and friends of the prep neighbourhood on the day.

Monday 18 March 2013


A new feature has been added to our blog, Translate. At the bottom of our blog you will find a gaget to translate the prep blog into hundreds of languages. If you use this gaget please let us know what you think.

Friday 15 March 2013

Teddy Bears' Picnic

The Teddy Bears' Picnic is a tradition at Princes Hill for the Prep Neighbourhood. This year we will be holding our Teddy Bears' Picnic in the last week of term.

Date: Tuesday 26th March (Week 9)

Time: 12:10 - 1:30 approx (Between lunch and recess)

Where: Railway Park, Park St

Important Information:

Children are encouraged to bring a small plate of food to share with the Neighbourhood. (Please label food with ingredients)

Children will need a hat, water bottle and comfortable shoes.

Family and friends are welcome to join us.

Week 8 Happenings

Can children please continue to bring in their teddies for our picnic next week

Assembly: Specialist

Library: Please return borrowed books
Healthy Eating Incursion 2:15 - 3:30

Specialist Timetable Change: Preps have specialist in the first hour of the day.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Timetable change

Due to the swimming program in Years 2, 3, & 4 our specialist time has been changed to the first hour on Thursday instead of the last hour for this week and next. This means that learning agreement will not be set up on Thursday morning. Children can change their junior school library books when they arrive at school and are encouraged to find something quiet to do in the neighbourhood such as read a book. If your child is late can you please sign them in at the office and take them to their specialist. Prep J will have sport in gym with Geoff, Prep M will be in the art room with Hannah and Prep S will be their homeroom with Anne Maree.

Prep Assembly

Today the Preps presented their learning at the whole school assembly. There were some nerves before hand from both the teachers and the children. This term our inquiry has been around the culture of our school. The children performed two of the songs we have been learning this year with Luisa and reflected on the differences between Kinder and Prep. The children sang beautifully and spoke clearly and with confidence. Congratulations Prep!

Here are the statements the children presented:
We are learning to read
We write in our inquiry book
We go to aftercare
We have Learning Agreement time
We have our lunch and recess at different time
We take books home each night
We have a whole school assembly
We line up when we walk
We have Sport with Geoff
We have Art with Hannah
We have Italian with Anne Maree
We have singing with Louisa
We have a Prep neighbourhood meeting in the Torus
The Kimochi’s help us with our feelings

Friday 8 March 2013

Week 7 Happenings

Children can begin to bring in their teddy bears to share with the neighbourhood.

Labor Day Public Holiday. School is closed.

9:00 - Prep Neighbourhood present their learning to the school community
9:30 - Have a chat and a coffee with members of the prep team at the coffee cart

Library: Please return the book you borrowed if you would like to borrow a new one.

Parent Helpers

We are looking for Parent Helpers for a number areas in the coming weeks and next term.

Week 7
Wednesday & Thursday: A parent for each home room is required for the art table. We would like the parent to type up the children's stories. Please see your child's homegroup teacher if you can assist.

Gardening: The Prep Neighbourhood has a small plot that we are to develop. If you are interested in helping with the garden please speak to Sia, Jessica or Maddy.

Dance: We are looking for parents who would like to assist a small group with creating a dance during our morning learning agreement. Please speak with Maddy, Sia or Jessica.

Term 2
PMP (perceptual motor program): Once a week we will have PMP in the gym. The day and time is to be confirmed. Parents will be required to assist approx 10 children with a range on skills. E.g. throwing and catching, bouncing a ball etc. Instructions will be provided. A sign up roster will be put up in the prep courtyard in the coming weeks.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Prep Running Club

A group of enthusiatic Preps have started a running club. It is fantastic to see the children's initiative in creating the group and also see them participate in different roles within the group. The children have sourced various materials that they have found in the neighborhood to enhance their club.

Remember to keep hydrated with lots of drinks of water and always have breaks in the shade to cool down during the hot weather.

Healthy Eating Incursion

The Healthy Snack Attack incursion is a one hour inactive session that explains why our bodies need a variety of nutritious foods and what are the five food groups; an activity where children take turns to determine whether snacks are to eat everyday (green), most days (amber) or occasional (red) based on a traffic light system; and a blindfolded fruit tasting where children are supported to use their taste and smell senses. These activities aim to motivate your child to eat a variety of nutritious foods in order to grow and be healthy, to encourage trying new foods, and to reinforcehealthy eating as a fun part of life. Fruit platters will be provided for afternoon tea to conclude the session with a shared healthy snack.
Today the children will be bringing home a permission note for the above incursion. If you have paid the excursion levy all you need to do is sign and return the note to school. If you have not paid the excursion levy an invoice will be attached to the permission note. If your child is sensitive to any fruits please inform one the prep teachers.  

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Prep Assembly

The Prep Neighbourhood will be presenting their learning to the school community on Tuesday 12th March (next week) at the school assembly. We ask that the children arrive to school at 8:45 on this day and after dropping off their bags in the neighbourhood come straight up to the gym. We hope to see as many family and friends as possible. A representative from the prep team along with members of the leadership team will be available to chat with at the coffee cart after the assembly.

We have begun practicsng for the presentation and the children have pasted their lines into their Reader's Notebook to practice at home. It would be much appreciated if you could help your child practice their line before Tuesday. Children will be speaking in small groups to assist with any nerves.

Monday 4 March 2013

Teddy Bears Picnic

It is a tradition at Princes Hill Primary for the Preps to have a Teddy Bears' Picnic at the end of term 1 and we will be continuing this tradition as part of our inquiry into our school's culture. The picnic will be held in the last week of the term. The date and time will be confirmed a little later. Children are encouraged to bring in their teddies as they will become part of our learning. We will be learning to sing Teddy Bears' Picnic. Here is a link to the song on youtube