Friday 30 August 2013

Week 8 Happenings

New Specialist Timetable
Don't forget Grandparent's Day is in Week 10

Library: Prep J

Library: Prep M
Assembly and Coffee Cart

Library: Prep S

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Action Required Junior School Library

Helpers Needed to Support the Introduction of the Junior School Library  Circulation System

Could you give 10-20 min. one morning or afternoon each week to help Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students borrow from the Junior School Library?

We are ready to roll out the Junior School library so we can track student borrowing habits, their reading choices and to ensure resources are maintained.

We need helpers to scan books in (returns) and to scan books out (Issue/loans). Many Prep-2 students borrow daily. Talk to your Neighbourhood Teachers to express your interest in helping with our literacy programs and getting the circulation system up and running.

Action Required: Lost Property

Dear Parents and Carers,
As you will know, the Leadership Team (in consultation with staff and in line with the school Sustainability Policy) have agreed that the unclaimed lost property can be collected and donated to the Asylum Seeker centre.
The next clearance will be on Friday 30th August (in the morning), and from then on, it will be every second Friday so if your child has lost any UN-NAMED items, please ensure you check the lost property bin over in the foyer of the gym. 
As has always been the practice prior to the lost property being donated (it used to be to Diabetes Australia), any NAMED clothing will be returned to the office and sent back to the child via the classroom teacher.
If families could please NAME THEIR CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, we will be able to return it.
Julie-anne Effemey

New Specialist Timetable

As Wednesdays will now begin with specialists, Learning Agreement on Wednesdays will take place between lunch and afternoon recess.

Wednesday 9 - 10
Prep S: PE
Prep J: Visual Art
Prep M: Italian

Wednesday 10 - 11
Prep S: Visual Art
Prep J: Italian
Prep M: PE

Prep S: Italian
Prep J: PE
Prep M: Visual Art

Library Days

Due to a change to the Prep's specialist timetable we have also had to change when the Prep Neighbourhood has library. We will no longer be visiting the library on the same day. Prep J will be going to the library on Mondays afternoons, Prep M on Tuesday afternoons and Prep S on Wednesday afternoons. Children can return books on any day and the library is open from 8:50 on Monday - Thursday for children to borrow before school.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Week 7 Happenings

Prep J - Library

Assembly and Coffee Cart (Year 2 hosting)
Prep M - Library

Prep S - Library
Specialist programs running between lunch and recess


Book Week Parade

It was fabulous to see all the children dressed up for the Book Week Parade today. There was a great vibe throughout the junior school as children tried to guess each others characters and shared the books that their characters were from. Up in the gym the children were able to show off their costumes to whole junior school before the fabulous Year 2 hosts, Lacey, Daniel, Sebby and Alet introduced the nominated books that had been nominated by The Children's Book Council of Australia and Kevin read The Coat which won The Picture Book of the Year

After lunch the children were placed in multi-age groups and had the opportunity to read two of the nominated books. All the teachers were impressed with how the children worked with others from across the junior school, it was a truly wonderful day. Here are just a few pictures from the day.

Tuesday 20 August 2013


The teaching staff has raised some concern that many students are arriving late for school on a fairly regular basis. Unfortunately this is a situation that can have a negative effect on the education of not only those students who are late, but also the other students in the class.

What impact does being late have on the student?

Students who are late miss a lot of instructions and information about what is happening, not to mention important learning sessions. They also miss out on catching up with their friends in the playground before school. Students can feel unsettled, disorganized and unhappy for the rest of the day and it can take them some time to complete and understand the work that they have missed. It’s similar to being late to see a movie and not being able to understand what’s happening because you have missed out on who the characters are and what the plot is.

How does it affect the other students in the class?

Students who are late have an unsettling effect on the rest of the class. Because not all late students arrive at once, the interruptions go on until the last student is settled. Students who are late often have things that need to be done prior to them joining the class and this causes even more disruption. Sometimes other students have to wait to get the teachers attention and important issues can be forgotten.

Why does student lateness cause difficulties for the teacher?

The teacher has a certain amount of material and activities to cover each lesson. Also, organizational issues are usually dealt with at the beginning of the day. Teachers can become increasingly frustrated when late students continually and repeatedly interrupt their planned routines, as they have to stop teaching to deal with the issues involved.

We are all human. Cars can break down and unexpected situations can occur. We know that family morning routines are not always straightforward. If you are experiencing problems, speak to us, as we may be able to offer suggestions to help.

We are happy to accept that students will be late on the odd occasion because of unforeseen circumstances. However, arriving late on a regular basis is not acceptable

A student who is half an hour late each day misses the equivalent of 16.6 days of learning each year.

Monday 19 August 2013

Parent Helpers for Swimming

A big thank you to all the parents who came along to swimming today. I think it is safe to say that all the children had a fantastic time and are excited about the next 5 sessions. Parent help is essential to make sure changing time runs smoothly and happens quickly. If you can help out on any of the days we would love for you to join us.


Friday 16 August 2013

Important Information: Swimming

Swimming will take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday during weeks 6 & 7.

Children need to bring:

·         Swimmers/bathers/togs (if the children can wear these to school it saves us time when we arrive at the pool)

·         Swimming cap

·         Goggles

·         Towel

·         Plastic bag (for wet clothes and towel)

·         Underwear (if wearing swimmers/bathers/togs to school)

Week 6 Happenings

Book Week 2013: Read Across the Universe
Swimming Begins: Helpers still needed
Friday specialists moved to Wednesday
Due to swimming this week our timetable will be quite different. On Monday and Wednesday learning agreement will only be held in rooms 12 & 13. If you usually come in to help during learning agreement please speak with a member of the teaching team. 

Swimming: (9:15 - 11:15 & 10:15 - 12:15)

Assembly & Coffee Cart

Swimming: (9:15 - 11:15 & 10:15 - 12:15)
Specialist: Prep J (Art/Italian), Prep M (Italian/PE), Prep S (PE/Art)

9:15 - 2:00 Book Week Parade and Sharing Day (Parents are invited to join us in the morning)

Swimming: (9:15 - 11:15 & 10:15 - 12:15)
No Specialist

We saw ... a fire truck

On Thursday we had our second visit from the Fire Brigade. The children were very excited. Fireman Peter recapped what we learnt last week before we went out to see the fire truck. All the children and even the prep teachers got to go inside the fire truck and have a go at using the hose. We all had a wonderful time and would like to say a big thank you to the fire brigade for visiting us.


We made ... bookmarks with recycled paper

This week the children made bookmarks using the paper that children from the Prep Neighbourhood had made in the maths/science space. The paper we made is very delicate so we stuck it onto card before decorating.

Thursday 15 August 2013

Book Week 2013

The theme for Book Week this year is ‘Read across the Universe’. Book Week takes place between the 17th – 23rd August (Week 6). To celebrate the Prep-2 Neighbourhoods will be attending the performance Space Jump at school on Thursday 15th August and having a Book Week Parade and Book Sharing Day on Thursday 22nd August. 

Book Week Parade and Sharing Day

Children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character for the parade and to bring the book to share with other children in the junior school. Parents are welcome to come and watch the parade and join in with the shared reading. After lunch the children will be placed in mixed aged groups and take part in two workshops related to this year’s Short Listed Books for the Book of the Year.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Artist in Residence - Music Residency

On Thursday 22nd August at 11.10, students are invited to join Deborah Kayser and Nicola Lester for a 4 week lunchtime Music Residency. Students will have the opportunity to develop a repertoire of songs over four Thursday lunch-times and then perform these as a part of a choir at the final Assembly of the term (Tuesday 17th September).  If you have children who are in interested in joining this choir, and that are prepared to commit to four Thursday lunch times from 11.10- 11.50, can you please remind them next Thursday to come to the stage in the gym for the first rehearsal and get together? This Music Residency is open to all students at all year levels at the school. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact Hannah.
Thank you

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Science Egg

In the maths/science room the children took part in a science experiment where they observed what happens when vinegar (acetic acid) comes in contact with eggs (calcium carbonate): a chemical reaction occurs and a gas (carbon dioxide) is released forming bubbles all over the egg. The children also wondered what would happen if we left the eggs in the vinegar for a few days.

We will check the eggs in a couple of days and will let you know!


Monday 12 August 2013

Performance: Space Jump!

This Thursday the Prep-2 Neighbourhoods will be viewing a short performance as part of our Book Week celebrations.

Celebrate the 2013 CBC theme READ ACROSS THE UNIVERSE

What is going on with Claire and why is she acting so spaced out?! Everything she has been saying and doing since the day began just doesn’t add up. To make matters worse there are times when Jonno feels like everything that is going on has all happened before! How can it be that two friends who have known each other for so long suddenly feel like they’re worlds apart?

Our brand new musical for Book Week 2013 and its theme "Read Across The Universe" is an adventure of galactic proportions! Join Claire and Jonno as they discover that looking for things we have in common with others, rather than the differences, can create all kinds of opportunities and lead us towards new and exciting destinations! SPACE JUMP features a selection of the 2013 CBC Shortlisted books and engages students in the understanding that interacting with books and the products of our imagination offers limitless possibilities for expanding our horizons.

Friday 9 August 2013

Week 5 Happenings

No Assembly

Soccer clinic with Shade (Imani's Dad)

10 - 11am Fire Brigade Visit
2:30 Prep - 2 Space Jump Performance (Book Week)

Thursday 8 August 2013

We made ... paper

The Preps have been creating paper in the Maths/Science room during Learning Agreement. This process is teaching the children how to reuse and recycle paper from the neighbourhood. We are looking forward to seeing how the paper turns out.

Steps in the paper making process:

1. Cut/tear up paper in to small pieces.

2. Make the paper porridge.

3. Put the paper maker pieces together in the right order, squeeze tight and dip into the porridge.

4. Drain off water and take off frame.

5. Place the board on top and press down on mesh to flatten and remove excess water.

6. Leave to dry out.

The Fire Brigade visit Prep

On Wednesday the Prep Neighbourhood was visited by the Fire Brigade. Fire-fighter Jane spoke to the children about 'good fires' and 'bad fires', and how to 'crawl down low and go, go, go' to escape a fire. Noah K dressed up as a fire fighter, but the outfit was a little too big (see pictures below) and we saw a real fireman all dressed up in protective gear, and no skin was showing. Fire-fighter Sandy discussed possible places a safe meeting place in the case of a house fire. The fire-fighters had to cut the visit short as they had to go to a fire, but will back next week and may even show us the fire truck.  

Soccer Clinic

On Wednesday the Preps participated in a soccer clinic run by Shede Olukhale, Imani's dad. The kids learnt how to dribble the soccer ball, stop quickly, change directions and worked on their agility. There was much enthusiasm to learn more about the game. It was wonderful to have Shade come and share his knowledge of the game as he played for Kenya. Thankyou very much Shede! We really appreciate your time.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Parent Helpers: Intensive Swimming

A white note will be going home today explaining what time your child will be attending swimming. If you can join us (we need many adults to assist with the children changing) can you please add your name to one of the lists outside the neighbourhood. Thank you.

Welcome ESMI MARKETOU (Student Teacher)

Dear students, teachers and parents,

My name is Esmi Marketou and I am a first year Master of Teaching student at Melbourne University.

I was born and grew up in Greece and then moved to the UK to study and work for 13 years. I moved to Melbourne last November with my Australian husband and two children: Baz 3 and Kat 1 ½.

My background is in Finance. I have a BSc. in Business Administration from Athens University of Economics and Business and a MSc. in Banking and Finance from Stirling University in Scotland. I am also a qualified Accountant. In London I worked in Investment Banking (Deutsche Bank) for 2 years and then moved to the Oil Industry (British Petroleum) for 10 years.

I speak Greek, French and Spanish.

My decision to teach was part of an overall life change for me: having children, moving country and starting a very demanding teaching course.
I am very excited about the opportunity to be part of your Prep Neighbourhood for the next three months.

Monday 5 August 2013

Art Space: I made ... a part of my community

In the art space the children have the opportunity to make part of their community using plasticine. This is to give us an understanding about who and what the children see as being in their community. Today Elliot made a part of his community.

Elliot: This is a river. This is me playing soccer with my friends. These are fish in the river


Crystal Experiment

For those of you who would like to make crystals at home...
Grow Your Own Salt Crystals

You need:
A jar
About half a cup of
A spoon for
2 toothpicks

Fill the jar with hot water (be careful)
Add a tablespoon of
salt, mix until it dissolves. Keep adding more salt until it no longer dissolves.
Add a drop of food dye to solution.
Cut a piece of string with scissors and tie each end to a paddle pop stick
. Attach a paper clip to the other end of string.
Place the string over the top of the jar so that the string
with the paper clip dangles into the middle of the solution.
Don’t forget to clean up when you have finished.

Friday 2 August 2013

Action Required: Intensive Swimming

Today green permission notes have been sent home with children who said yes to intensive swimming. Intensive swimming does not come out of the excursion levy so a payment is required. Information about how to pay is on the attached white note. Thank you.

Fire Safety Workshop

This week the children took part in a Fire Safety Workshop in preparation of our visits from the Fire Brigade. In the workshop the children discussed where it would be safe to go in the case of a house fire. The children drew a picture to represent the safe place and will be bringing this home to show and to discuss with you. We encourage all families to discuss their fire plan.

Week 10: Grandparents Day

The Prep Neighbourhood will hosting Grandparents Day on the 18th of September (Week 10). Our celebration will take place between 9-11am. More information to come.

Prep Assembly

On Tuesday the Prep Neighbourhood shared some of our learning with the school community at Assembly. We opened the presentation by singing Open Shut Them and The Annual Song. After this children shared projects that have taken place in the Neighbourhood during learning agreement.

The Volcano Project                                                                                  Crystal Project                                                          

Writing Books                                                                                          Football Project

                                                         The Rocket Project

Week 4 Happenings

9am Assembly and coffee cart (Year 1 hosting)

12:10 Library: Please return your books so you can borrow new books.
2:30 Visit from the Fire Brigade

Parent Helpers: Publishing our Stories

We are looking for some parent helpers to assist in publishing the stories we have been writing about each other. If you could spare 30 minutes at the beginning of a day to work with a child and type up their story, please speak with a member of the Prep team. Thank you.