Saturday 30 November 2013

Tabloid Sports

Over the past 4 weeks while the Preps for 2014 have been exploring the Neighbourhood and getting to know each other the Prep-2 Neighbourhoods have been taking part in tabloids sports on the main oval. The children have had a fantastic time getting to know children from the other neighbourhoods and learning some new skills.

Santa visits the Prep Neighbourhood

Yesterday the Prep Neighbourhood had a visit from 'Santa'. Vincent brought in Santa to the excitement of the other children. During learning agreement the children in the block construction area worked together to build a sleigh and a house, with a TV and remote for Santa.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Action Required: Student Profiles

The student autobiographies are due tomorrow, but the Prep team understand that families are busy at this time of year. If you could please have them finished and emailed to the Prep team by the end of the next week we would be very grateful.
Information that can be included:
Family background
Languages spoken
Exciting adventures
Favourite memories 
This year 1 .....

The font is to be Tahoma, size 10 and the autobiography should be about half a page [up to 500 words]. It will be copied and pasted into the student profile template which has been especially designed by the Prep team.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Instrumental Music Concert 2013

Dear Parents,

                     You are invited to the “End of Year Instrumental Music Concert” to be held in the gym at Princes Hill Primary School next Friday, 29th November, 7pm – 8:30pm.

                    Students are expected to check in with their tutors at the pre-arranged area in the gym by 6:30pm for tuning and setting up on “stage”. Please endeavour to be on time for tuning to inspire a lovely beginning to the soiree. The children will be aware of the order of events closer to the day and the program will be available at the door.

                     We look forward to a wonderful evening of musical entertainment.
 Mitchell, Mark, Sasha, Kylie, Giorgio and Luisa.                     

Week 9 Happenings

No Library this week.
Please continue to return books.

Expressive Dance (last session)

Assembly and coffee cart
12:30 Prep J visit Princes Hill Kinder

12:30 Prep M visit Princes Hill Kinder 

Monday 25 November 2013

Prep Transition Session 3: Social and Emotional Well Being

Below are links related to social and emotional well being that Rita spoke about during the Prep Transition Parent Program last week.

Preparing for school


Youtube: Kimochis

Term Dates

Life Education Van

Today a very excited Prep J and teacher were the final group to visit the Life Education Van. Everyone was excited to finally meet the famous Harold and to see the magical roof. Below are some pictures to show you what all the homegroups learnt about in the van.


Sunday 24 November 2013

Life Education Van

On Friday home-groups Prep S and Prep M visited the Life Education van (on-site outside the 3/4 neighbourhood).  The children met Harold and went on a surprise picnic.  They looked at different parts of the human body and learnt all about healthy eating. Prep J will be visiting the Life Education van on Monday.  The children have a special Life Education book that they will be working on.  The Prep M workbooks were sent home on Friday afternoon for the children to look at.  Could we please have them returned to school by Monday?

Thank you

Saturday 23 November 2013

Week 8 Happenings

All library books are to be returned this week.
No more borrowing from the main library.

Expressive Dance
Prep J meet Harold in the Life Education Van

Library: Prep M

Library: Prep S

Final Tabloid Sports session (Prep Transition)

Monday 18 November 2013


Today the children of the prep neighbourhood participated in Dance with Susan. Susan has held workshops at PHPS for many years. The children were thoroughly engaged and enjoyed every moment.  Please ask how they felt when they danced.


We had a great day at the Bazaar!




Friday 15 November 2013

Week 7 Happenings

The  Bazaar is on this Sunday (17th November)
10am - 4pm

Library: Prep J
Expressive Dance

Assembly and Coffee Cart
Library: Prep M

Library: Prep S

12:30 Life Education Van (Prep S)
2:30 Life Education Van (Prep M)
Prep J next week

Prep Transition Program

A small group of children will be speaking to next year's prep parents about their experiences this year and offering some advice. These children have been working with Jessica and have lines to practice for next week's transition presentation. If you have any questions please speak to Jessica.

Reminder: For the whole of November the children are to go straight to the library on Thursday mornings.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Helping my child at home. Literacy and Maths tips.

Today in the Prep Transition Parent Program Rita mentioned three helpful websites for parents. The links are below.

Literacy Tips

Maths Tips


Tuesday 12 November 2013

Have you signed up to help at the Bazaar yet?

The school Bazaar is on this Sunday. It is a great day for all the family. Our class reps are still looking for people to help out on the Prep stalls. You only need to help out for an hour, the time flies and it is a great way to get to know other families in the Neighbourhood. If you can help out please sign up outside your child's homeroom. Thank you.


Sunday 10 November 2013


On Friday Miro brought in silkworm cocoons to share with Neighbourhood. Miro gave a very informative talk about the silkworm. The silkworm eats mulberry leaves make their cocoons out of silk. The children were very excited to see the cocoons so in the afternoon we watched some short videos about silkworms. Thank you Miro.


Flag project

As part of our inquiry into 'Our Caring Community' we were inspired by Gina (Ren's mum) to create flags to show  we care for our environment.  We began by watching the delightful Japanese animation movie called Totoro.  Totoro is a protector and carer of the environment.

The children were asked to create designs and messages for flags.

The children worked in the Art space during Learning Agreement to create their artwork.


The flags were sewn together by Antonia (Nina’s mum).  Thank you Antonia for all your work.

The flags can now be seen on display in the courtyard.


Guest Speaker – Perry Lethlean – Landscape Architect

Have you ever walked through the ancient forest in the museum or played in the wave playground outside the museum?

Then you would be familiar with Perry Lethleam’s (Louis’ dad) work.

Perry was our guest speaker on Wednesday and explained his work as a landscape architect.  He showed us all the amazing projects he has created around Australia.  The Prep children were excited to discover that they had played on Perry’s playgrounds.

We would like to thank Perry for taking time from his work to come and talk to us.

The Prep children were excited to design and create their own playgrounds and their work can be seen on display outside Room 13.