Monday 2 September 2013

We measured parts of the basketball court using our bodies

Last week, the Neighbourhood made the most of the beautiful weather and headed outside for a Maths workshop. The children began measuring the width of the basketball court using their feet. Ask your child how many of their feet would be needed to go across the basketball court. The Preps wondered how many Preps it would take to go around the basketball court. At first the children were sitting very close to one another, but before long the children were lying down, head to feet. Even with Jessica and Sia joining in there were still gaps.

The children were then encourage to measure the many shapes that they could find on the ground. The children worked so well together to make sure the entire space was covered and to count how many people would fit around the space.

We found that it took 21 Preps lying down to cover the snake, but 65 Preps sitting up to cover the snake.

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