Tuesday 23 April 2013

Mother's Day Stall

When: FRIDAY 10th May in the school gym
Set up from 7.30am
Retail sales from 9.15 til 11.15
Pack up after 11.15

Please help by;
# donating items for sale on the day – could you let us know in advance the items you can donate.
# Baking goods – baked goods are always popular – cellophane and wrapping items will be available from the office from Friday 26th April 2013 and can be delivered on the day.
# Volunteering your time to help on the day
We need over 900 items to sell, so all donations small and big are helpful.
Top sellers are jewellery, scarves, soaps, plants,
Trinkets, teas, chocolates, candles, aprons, bags, jams – the only limit is your imagination!


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