Thursday 19 December 2013

Final Day

It is a Princes Hill Primary School tradition to have a farewell assembly in the gym on the last day of school. The assembly starts at 1:30 and is an opportunity to say goodbye to the Year 6 children and any children or staff who are leaving the school. Children will take their bags to the gym and are to be picked up at 2pm from the gym.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Final Days Happenings!

11:30 Whole School Picnic at Princes Park. Children are asked to bring a small plate of food to share, a hat and a water bottle.

1:30 Whole School Assembly in the gym
Last day finish at 2:00

Monday 16 December 2013

Action Required: Autobiographies - Student Profiles

Thank you to the families who have helped their children write their autobiography.

Please email the completed autobiography to

For more information about the purpose of these profiles please read the ‘student profiles’ article located on the school website home page

Thank you

Rita Jokubaitis. Student Pathways and Transitions.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Whole School Transition

The Whole School Transition program for 2014 commenced today with a visit by all children to acquaint themselves with their 2014 neighbourhood spaces. 
Tomorrow and Monday, the children will be moving to their 2014 Neighbourhood spaces at 2:30pm and will be dismissed from that new neighbourhood at the following meeting points.
                Year 1 – The front door on Pigdon Street
                Year 2 – The Library (which is now the Year 2 Learning Neighbourhood)
                Year 3/4 – Neighbourhood 1 on the oval side nearest the Gym … Neighbourhood 2 – on the       
                oval side, half way down the building
                Year 5/6 – from the 5/6 Gallery at the end of the Admin building

Prep Celebration: Small Change

Due to the Year 6 graduation being set up in the gym on Wednesday we will start the presentation on the mini oval before moving into the Prep Neighbourhood where slide shows and a short movie will be showed throughout the Neighbourhood.

Monday 9 December 2013

Week 10 Happenings

Prep Celebration is on this Thursday!
Planning week: Specialist timetable is different this week
Whole school transition with the current teachers

2:00 - 2:30 Parent helpers afternoon tea in the gym

9:00 Assembly and coffee cart
10:00 Whole school transition
Prep S with specialist teachers today

9:00 Special guest speaker
2:30 Whole school transition (children are to be picked from their new Neighbourhood)
Prep J & Prep M with specialist teachers today

9:00 - 11:00 Prep Celebration

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Action Required: Prep Celebration

To the family & friends of the Prep Neighbourhood,

You are invited to join the Preps to celebrate the end of the year and all of the wonderful learning that has taken place in the Prep Neighbourhood.

Date: Thursday 12th December (Week 10)
Time: 9 - 10:30 (approx.)
Place: Beginning in the gym and moving to the Prep Neighbourhood

Please bring a small plate of food to share, as we will have a morning tea in the Prep Courtyard after the presentations.

The Prep Team (Sia, Jessica, Maddy)

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Expressive Dance

This week was our last Expressive Dance lesson with Susan. We are all sad to have dance finish, it has been a wonderful experience. This week the children learnt how to do the yoga pose flower as part of the warm up. We continued making shapes with our bodies this week. The children took turns being clay and a sculpture, Susan reminded the children to be gentle as they moved their partners body into place. The children then created a giant painting together (see the pictures below) by creating interesting shapes with their bodies on a wall. The children were very excited when we finished dance, I encourage you to ask your child what was their favourite part of dance.

Human Paintings

Monday 2 December 2013

Dance Workshop

Today the prep children participated in the last of the three workshops held by Susan. Here are some more pictures of the children dancing.